แบรนโดกำลังรับ DSports Radio said in an interview: "All the medical staff did not fulfill their obligations as professionals, and it was obvious that this was a murder together. At that time, only one phone number was needed - whether it was a doctor, a coordinator or anyone called the emergency number, and sending him to any emergency room could save lives." Brando further disclosed: "Through analysis, I found that this so-called 'professional home treatment' was a scam from the beginning. They treated Mara like animals rather than humans," he said. ยาเสพติดที่ถูกทารุณกรรมและพวกเขาหลอกครอบครัวของเธอและกล่าวว่าการรักษาแบบปิดนั้นดีกว่าและไม่อนุญาตให้เข้าชมขั้นพื้นฐาน . "